Press & Analyst Relations

We put you on the map and inspire the right people to find you.

We’ve worked with virtually every stage B2B tech / services company you can think of, from garage starts-ups and companies that need to re-start, to those who have been around the block and want to break into new markets or shake-up the ones they’re in. We know what makes a story, how to package and differentiate it, how to speak in terms analysts and press want to hear, and how to best work with your team, partners and customers to secure coverage that actually makes a difference to your business.

We have particular expertise in the Internet of Things, cloud and as-a-service, having launched and propelled companies including Xively (LogMeIn),  (DynamicOps (cloud management / acquired by VMware), Softricity, (application virtualization / acquired by Microsoft); Desktone (virtual desktops as a service / acquired by VMware); Microsoft desktop and server virtualization technologies; and AppSense user personalization solutions for virtual desktop.

Our PR/AR services include:

  • Analyst Relations
  • Product, Service and Company Launches
  • Press Releases Campaigns
  • Social Media
  • Customer References Program
  • Product Reviews
  • Speaker Placement
  • Bylined Articles
  • Spokespeople Training
  • Awards Program
  • US-introduction Programs (for international clients wanting to break into the US market)

“Janice is a smart, aggressive and diligent PR pro.  She did a great job getting us in front of key influencers during the early stages of the company, and was key to our winning two Best of VMworld awards right out of the gate.”

Shimon Hason
CEO, Intigua

Find out how Bedsole & Company can help you reach your next milestones.

Call or email us today!